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With 80% of SMBs closing out the year on December 31st, it’s a busy time! Now is when you tie up any loose ends, and begin planning and budgeting for the year ahead. It’s the time to look at sales, analyze your marketing spend, prepare 2020 budgets, and take advantage of the tax benefits of booking expenses before the end of the year.

It’s also the perfect time to take stock of your print environment and office equipment. Has your MFP been breaking down and impacting productivity? Have your repair expenses skyrocketed in the past six months? Year-end is the perfect time to examine your operation and prepare for the year ahead.

Here are three reasons why December is the perfect time to upgrade or replace your old print devices for a fresh start this new year!

1. Use it or Lose it!

Many businesses reset budgets at year-end based on the prior years’ budgets. If you have money left in your budget, why not use it before you lose it! Invest in new office equipment to help start the new year more productively. Lower your repair costs and streamline workflows to get 2020 off to a great start!

2. Replace Printers Before a Slow Down

Are you on a first-name basis with your repair person? Have your print repair expenses skyrocketed in the past year? Purchase or lease a new device before your aging printer grinds productivity to a halt. You’ll go into the new year confidently, and it feels great to knock off another item on your to-do list before the end of the year!

3. Maximize Your Tax Deductions

Spending money on hardware, software, and supplies before the end of the year can maximize your tax deductions for 2019. As you look to a strong end of the year, making purchases like a new printer is a smart move. You’ll not only lower your tax liability, but you’ll also set the stage for a strong, productive start to the new year!

December is the perfect time to upgrade your printers to prepare for a productive new year. If you’re considering new technology, now is the time! Give one of our team members a call and let us help you choose the perfect equipment to meet your needs and budget.

Bob Belli

Bob Belli is the owner and Vice President of United Business Systems, leading the sales and administration teams in continuous improvement. He is known for his forward thinking approach and designing unique solutions to help customers achieve their goals. When Bob is not busy running UBS, he enjoys spending time with family and sponsors several charity golf outings.

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