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Law firms rely on a tremendous amount of print output daily to operate. Much of the material is time-sensitive, needs to be delivered to clients, or presented at trial. Printing is a major expense for most businesses, and even more so for law firms.

According to an ALL Associates Group survey, printing accounts for 13.7% of annual revenues for the average firm, more than twice the cost of all other industries.

Print Savings Estimator, Office Solutions, New Jersey

Do You Know Your Firm’s Actual Print Costs?

Many firms don’t know what their actual annual print costs are. This is especially problematic for a large practice that needs to accurately track costs and bill clients. According to industry groups, more than 85% of print output is client-related and billable.

Managed Print Services is the perfect way to manage, track and control print costs within a law office. With an often-diverse fleet of devices, many firms struggle with redundancy and duplicated costs. An MPS solution can help eliminate redundancy and control page costs.

Here are three ways that MPS can save your firm time and money.

  1. Security – Legal firms must honor confidentiality. That means having tight security protocols to protect information in-house and when in transit. MPS can implement security processes like user authentication, at-device printing and auditing.
  2. Analytics – Many firms have idle printers, outdated technology or redundancy in their office. An MPS provider will conduct an assessment that will examine the current state of your print environment, and based on this information will make recommendations to optimize your print fleet.
  3. Auditing and Controls – Especially in the legal world, where practices are regulated and proof of compliance is required, MPS can set systems to automatically gather compliance-related data and generate reports for you, your clients and regulators.

Managed Print Services is ideal for controlling costs, managing technology, and taking print repairs and maintenance off the hands of your IT staff, freeing their time to focus on core initiatives. If you’d like to learn more, give us a call and schedule a free print assessment of your firm’s print environment.


Bob Belli

Bob Belli is the owner and Vice President of United Business Systems, leading the sales and administration teams in continuous improvement. He is known for his forward thinking approach and designing unique solutions to help customers achieve their goals. When Bob is not busy running UBS, he enjoys spending time with family and sponsors several charity golf outings.

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