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Many companies considering a Manager Print Services solution are hesitant because of the perceived capital outlay required to upgrade their print fleet. In fact, the first question most MPS providers have to answer is “what happens to my old printers? For many businesses, the short answer is they can keep their existing print fleet, but there are a few things an MPS provider will ask you to consider.

Be Prepared to Answer These Questions

A Managed Print Services provider will work to incorporate your existing print fleet into their plans whenever possible. One of the first steps an MPS provider will do is to assess your current print fleet for usefulness and cost-efficiency. They may find that much of your print fleet is fine, but that upgrading a few key machines may improve productivity and lower your per-page costs, saving you money. Here are some key questions to consider:

  • Are your printers taking your IT team’s time away from core tasks?
  • What are your current print maintenance costs?
  • Do you have redundancy in your fleet?
  • Are your machines secure and can you control risks?
  • Are you wasting money and resources on unnecessary printing?

The goal of an MPS solution is to identify cost savings, increase printer uptime and ensure print security. Most companies have no idea of the true cost of their printing and when they learn the actual number after an assessment, it can be a bit of a shock.

Getting Your Print Environment Under Control 

An MPS solution offers the convenience of simplified billing, allowing for predictable budgeting. It also addresses fundamental issues that are costing you money, like erroneous billing, supply management bottlenecks, and inefficient workflows and printing practices. An MPS solution can lower your costs by as much as 30%.

If you’d like to learn more, give us a call and schedule a free print assessment. Let us show you how a Managed Print solution can help you improve productivity, get your costs under control, and grow your business.

Related blog: 

How a Print Assessment Can Save You Money

Bob Belli

Bob Belli is the owner and Vice President of United Business Systems, leading the sales and administration teams in continuous improvement. He is known for his forward thinking approach and designing unique solutions to help customers achieve their goals. When Bob is not busy running UBS, he enjoys spending time with family and sponsors several charity golf outings.

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