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A good team leader is always on the lookout for new ways to inspire their team and strengthen their sales skills. The key is keeping your sales meetings relevant and beneficial.

Think about these statistics:

  • 80% of meeting time could be eliminated with a tight agenda and rules
  • 92% of participants multitask during meetings
  • Less than 37% of sales managers publish an agenda prior to the meeting
  • 71% of all sales meetings are inefficient and unproductive

Here are five sales meeting topics that are easy to execute, can help close skill gaps, and will work whether you’re meeting in person, or on Zoom.

  1. Sales Intelligence: Reviewing Competitors – Do you research your competition? You might visit their website, but do you keep up to date with their current messaging, packaging, and promotions? Assign each sales rep a competitor and have them research the company and present their findings at the next meeting.
  2. LinkedIn Profile and Activity Review – Your customers are on LinkedIn and your team should be too! Warn them, or just spring it on them, but do a formal review of their LinkedIn profiles. See if they’ve properly branded their profile and if they’re showcasing the company properly. Review their connections and the last 30 days of postings.
  3. The Sales Demo Contest – Pick your most popular product and tell your reps they’ll be demoing it during the meeting. Have them present it to you as the customer. Watch closely! Set a time limit and give everyone a chance. This is a great way to share techniques and learn from your top reps.
  4. The Sales Prospecting Meeting – Keep your team’s prospecting skills sharp. In this meeting, create a buyer persona that’s representative of an existing customer. Ask each rep to craft a prospecting email and voicemail. In the meeting, provide copies of the emails, play the voicemails – then provide feedback.
  5. Handling Objections Training – Objections are a part of sales. Great reps know how to deal with resistance. Strengthen your team’s objection skills. Get a deck of blank cards and write common objections on each. Have each rep pick a card and see how they would respond.

Your sales meetings are the perfect way to prepare your team for success. These five topics can help you keep your team engaged and learning by uncovering their strengths and weaknesses and giving them the skills they need to succeed!


Bob Belli

Bob Belli is the owner and Vice President of United Business Systems, leading the sales and administration teams in continuous improvement. He is known for his forward thinking approach and designing unique solutions to help customers achieve their goals. When Bob is not busy running UBS, he enjoys spending time with family and sponsors several charity golf outings.

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