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Your customers are your most valuable asset, and customer retention is crucial to maintain your business over time. However, all businesses occasionally lose customers. The churn rate defines the number of customers that leave in a given amount of time. Here are ways to improve customer retention and reduce your churn rate.

  1. Have Excellent Customer Service – It should go without saying that customer service is the most important way to retain your existing customers. A poor experience can drive customers to your competitors. In addition to responding promptly and resolving any problems that arise, it’s important to be proactive in your customer service. Reach out as soon as you hear about recalls, upgrades, or new products that your customers need to know about.
  1. Provide Value – A good product may be what attracts customers, but offering value after the purchase helps retain them. Newsletters, blogs, social media posts, and event invitations help show your customers that you are committed to an ongoing relationship. Be sure to include helpful and relevant information so your customers actually want to read your newsletters and engage with your posts.
  1. Personalize Your Interactions – Consider personalizing emails to customers based on what they have purchased and other interactions. Customers will feel valued and be more responsive if you work at developing a personal relationship with them and show them you are interested in helping them with their needs for the long term.
  1. Analyze – If you find your churn rate is rising, consider surveying those customers who have left to find out why. Even if you think you’re providing customer service and value, customers may feel otherwise. By getting feedback from the customers you have lost, you can gain valuable information to guide your decision making – while also making those customers feel like you want to improve to earn back their business.

By keeping an eye on your churn rate and making sure to focus on providing your customers with outstanding service and value, you can help to retain customers for the long haul.

Bob Belli

Bob Belli is the owner and Vice President of United Business Systems, leading the sales and administration teams in continuous improvement. He is known for his forward thinking approach and designing unique solutions to help customers achieve their goals. When Bob is not busy running UBS, he enjoys spending time with family and sponsors several charity golf outings.

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