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As we begin a new school year, administrators are finding that budgets are strained – as usual! There is a need to cut costs, but to do so without impacting the student experience. One place that can yield big savings is your organization’s print environment.

According to the American Federation of Teachers, 40% of the typical school waste stream is paper – in fact, it’s the largest single component of school waste. To address this problem, look beyond your devices and consider processes and habits like wasteful, non-school-related printing, or unclaimed documents that end up in the trash.

UBS Print Assessment

These can result in considerable and unnecessary costs and lost productivity due to inefficient document processes. Engaging a Managed Print provider can help uncover the inefficiencies and help to get your school’s print fleet under control.

Here are three key reasons why print management should be in your school’s technology plan:

  1. It Identifies and Eliminates Wasteful Habits – Are your students and staff using best practices and only printing necessary school documents? Is paper piling up on copiers or in recycling bins? Implementing policies like double-sided printing, restricting color print, print job authorization, or job routing to a more efficient device can reduce costs.
  2. It Ensures Security Standards Are Met – All educational institutions are required to store confidential data like student grades, financial aid information, health records, payroll, and employee reviews. Secure printing features ensure print jobs are held in the queue until they are released so records stay secure. This complies with FERPA law.
  3. Print Management Generates Satisfaction… and Productivity – Technology and tools are evolving every day. With document workflow processes in place, staff can scan directly from an MFP or scanner right into relevant workflows. With the ability to print remotely, users can leverage their smartphones or tablets to submit and release their print jobs in a managed setting.

Teachers and students both value a modern learning environment which is convenient, adaptable, and secure. In today’s environment, a print management system is necessary to reduce costs, streamline workflows, and increase productivity.

Are you ready to learn more? Give us a call and let us show you how a print management solution can work for your educational facility!



Bob Belli

Bob Belli is the owner and Vice President of United Business Systems, leading the sales and administration teams in continuous improvement. He is known for his forward thinking approach and designing unique solutions to help customers achieve their goals. When Bob is not busy running UBS, he enjoys spending time with family and sponsors several charity golf outings.

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