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Many employees are making some common mistakes every day that can be putting your business at risk without them even realizing it. Tasks like opening an email from an unknown sender, or clicking on a mysterious, unauthorized link, or even printing out sensitive data and leaving it on the printer tray for a little too long. While these actions seem innocuous, they can inadvertently be exposing your network and data to unnecessary risks.

Today, every business, regardless of size, requires a comprehensive security strategy to keep their network and sensitive data safe. Email filtering, firewalls, keeping software current and updated, and securing printers are all important steps. However, even with top-of-the-line software, network monitoring, and security best practices, you can still be at risk because of your employees.

Chances are, they’re not maliciously or intentionally out to hurt the company, but the fact is human error is the number one cause of cybercrime.

Here are four examples of how your team may be putting your business at risk.

  1. Phishing and Link Scams – Designed to trick employees into releasing valuable info, these scams often begin as a “legitimate” looking email asking for confidential information. Or your employee may be prompted to download a “harmless” piece of software, that is actually malware. Train your team to recognize the signs. Never click on an unconfirmed link, or download any unauthorized file.
  2. Social Engineering Attack – Social engineering attempts to get your team to bypass security protocols. A criminal may pretend to be a co-working seeking access to confidential information. Prevent these attacks by having clear security practices and never second guess them!
  3. Unrestrained Web Browsing – The Internet, while necessary, can be dangerous. Many browsers come with some protection, but risks remain. Use filtering to block employees from sites known to be malicious.
  4. Poor Password Practices – Educate your team on password best practices. Start with the basics like how to create a secure password, never write passwords down, and change them often. If you’re afraid they will forget them, offer a secure password tool to safely store them.

Are you ready to learn how to protect your business from cyberattacks? Call and request a free assessment. We’ll look at your current security, uncover any gaps, and offer solutions to help keep your business safe and secure.

Bob Belli

Bob Belli is the owner and Vice President of United Business Systems, leading the sales and administration teams in continuous improvement. He is known for his forward thinking approach and designing unique solutions to help customers achieve their goals. When Bob is not busy running UBS, he enjoys spending time with family and sponsors several charity golf outings.

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