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Do you struggle with delegating work to others? Many managers realize delegation is important, but aren’t sure how to do it effectively. These tips can help you delegate more thoughtfully for better results.

The Steps of Delegating

Delegating work is more complex than simply assigning a task. Without proper forethought, you may find yourself doing the work yourself as the deadline looms. Instead, use these steps for a more successful experience.

  1. Plan the task out fully. Take the time to develop a clear goal, timeline, and budget before presenting the task to an employee.
  2. Assign the task thoughtfully. You want to choose an employee who has the skills to do the work and also has the time. Explain the task clearly and in context to the larger project.
  3. Confirm that your employee understands the task fully. Answer any questions they may have now, to more clearly define the work. Confirm that they are committed to the task, budget and deadline.
  4. Provide guidance. If your employee runs into trouble, help them work through it rather than taking on the task yourself. This will make them more able to do it alone next time.
  5. Ensure accountability. Require regular check-ins throughout the process to ensure the work is progressing on schedule. This will avoid any last-minute disasters.

Benefits of Successful Delegating

With these steps in mind, you can have a better experience assigning work to others. When you delegate work effectively, you can see a number of benefits.

  • Free up your time – When you keep all the work to yourself, you’re taking on too much. By delegating you can attend to the tasks that are important for you to do personally.
  • Develop stronger employees – By delegating increasingly challenging work, you’re helping to build the skills of your employees. This is one of your most important roles as a manager, and makes for a stronger company.
  • Develop a stronger team –When you manage a team, you’re building relationships. Delegating tasks creates a collaborative environment, with each person working towards the team’s common goals. At the same time, employees will appreciate the trust you place in them, and develop more trust for you in return.

Delegating is an important skill for managers to learn. By following a plan and prioritizing good communication, you can reap the many benefits of having effectively delegated to your team.

Bob Belli

Bob Belli is the owner and Vice President of United Business Systems, leading the sales and administration teams in continuous improvement. He is known for his forward thinking approach and designing unique solutions to help customers achieve their goals. When Bob is not busy running UBS, he enjoys spending time with family and sponsors several charity golf outings.

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